Learn about the Cedar waxwing

Admin   Thursday, January 5, 2023

Autumn when the leaves begin to change color, that is when many flocks of birds take off to fly south - mostly insectivores, worms, then wild geese or swans. But not all birds leave Ohio on the "winter solstice." Among the beautiful birds that survive the winter are "Cedar waxwing" and "Carnidal" (Ohio state bird!).

Cedar waxwing bird
Cedar waxwing bird image

The Cedar waxwing bird prefers to eat the seeds of the cedar tree (Oriental cedar or red juniper) and is therefore given the abbreviated name "cedar". Near the end of its wings is a red dot that appears to be sealed with wax (wax; usually red). That's why English gives it the name "Wax + wings".

The scientific name of this bird is Bombycilla cedrorun, it belongs to the family Bombycellidae, usually living in North America and southern Canada. Birds are about 15-18 cm in size and weigh up to 30 g.

Cedar waxwing bird usually living in North America and southern Canada

Cedar waxwing has the habit of living in groups, sometimes up to 100. In the family of cedar wax wings there is a rather large species called "Bohemian wax wings" (Bombycilla garrulus). The Chinese love to keep this bird and call it "Thai Binh" (太平鳥). It is often not easy to distinguish two species of the Bombycilla family. These two birds sometimes live together as brothers in the same family. family.

In terms of calling each other, "Cedar waxwing" birds do not use "pleasant" frequencies to compare (!) like robins or wild starlings. Waxwing cears call each other "high tones" of high frequencies. People who can't hear or can't "catch" with sounds with a frequency of 8000 Hz or more will not be able to hear the call of this bird. It often "sizzes", "riri" is very mild, so it is necessary to look at the eardrum to recognize it.

Cedar waxwing bird
The "cedar waxwing" bird prefers to eat the seeds of the cedar tree (Oriental cedar or red juniper) and is therefore given the abbreviated name "cedar"

When it's time to mate, the male and female often sit next to each other and exchange "wedding gifts" - be it petals, twigs, worms or seeds. Wax cedars love to eat tree nuts, in addition to insects, when they are young. At the end of the seeding season, wax-winged cedars are often seen in rows on the same branch. Then one of the leading birds split the seeds in half and passed them around to share a delicious meal that is rarely available. Which "strange" bird can cooperate like humans....

Wax cedars are very peaceful, living close to people when they need food and water. In winter, we often see herds of 4-50 animals coming to eat berries around the house. Because they eat the same food as robins (like wild birds), they are often repelled by bullies.

Cedar waxwing bird

Waxwing cears love to hear the sound of running water. If you want to find this bird, you should go to the riverside where there are berries (such as Eurasian honeysuckle) or cedar trees... Naruhodo!

So Meo Wiii has brought you information about the Cedar waxwing bird. Hope this useful information will make you feel interesting about this bird.


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