Detailed step-by-step instructions on how to deworm kittens

Admin   Monday, January 9, 2023

If you are unsure of how to properly deworm your kitten, this article will guide you through it. The Meo_Wiii Blog will guide you through 4 ways to give your cat the simplest but surprisingly effective dewormer with important notes!

1. Why should kittens be dewormed?

Deworming a newborn kitten or kitten should be at the top of your to-do list for cats. Regardless of the cat's age, breed, size, or sex, it needs to be dewormed.
Kittens infected with helminths may experience developmental delays and compromised immune systems. Because worms can absorb all the necessary nutrients from the cat's food that the cat has eaten through parasites in the stomach. Worms are also transmitted to humans. This makes deworming your cat very important.

Deworming for kittens
Kittens need to be dewormed to grow healthy

2. Deworming schedule for kittens

The best age to deworm your cat is when they are 1 month old. In addition, the cycle for you to periodically deworm yourself will depend on the age of the cat:

  • Cats from 1-2 months old: Dewormed every 2 weeks.
  • Cats from 2 to 6 months old: Deworming once a month.
  • Cats from 7 to 12 months old: Regular deworming every 2-3 months.
  • Cats from 1 year old: Deworm every 6 months.
  • Deworming schedule for pregnant and lactating cats: Deworming 1 time before mating. Bleach 1 more time before giving birth about 1 week. A nursing cat will deworm along with its kittens.
  • New cat home: Deworm as deworming, deworm immediately and repeat after 2 weeks. Then perform deworming according to the age-based deworming schedule.

3. Deworming kittens before or after eating?

Kittens need to be left on an empty stomach for about a day before deworming. The most reasonable thing is that you feed your cat less than half of what you normally do and fast for deworming the next morning. After deworming the cat, the next meal you feed the cat less than half, the next day you can feed the cat normally again!

Deworming for kittens

4. How to effectively deworm kittens

Kittens usually do not like to take medicine directly. Therefore, you can use 1 of the following 4 ways to indirectly deworm your cat:

4.1. firstly . far

Clip the pill into your cat's favorite food to fool your Boss. This will be quite effective for kittens. However, it does not work with adult cats because they are very dodgy.

4.2. Way 2

Grind the dewormer into a fine powder and mix it into your cat's favorite food. This is an effective way to deworm your kittens at home. However, with adult cats, this method does not work because they can detect food that has a strange taste.

4.3. Way 3

The third way is to let the cat swallow the deworming pill directly. This method will be more difficult to implement than the two methods mentioned above, but the efficiency is very high. The specific steps are as follows:

  • Step 1: Wrap a blanket or thick cloth around the cat's body (except the head) to prevent the baby from resisting and scratching.
  • Step 2: Use 2 fingers to squeeze on both sides of the cat's mouth so that they open their mouth (Just squeeze with enough force, avoid squeezing the cat's mouth hard).
  • Step 3: Insert dewormer into the cat's throat.
  • Step 4: Close the cat's mouth, tilt the cat's head upwards and stroke the neck to stimulate the cat to swallow the medicine. You should do it gently, make sure the cat swallows all the medicine, to avoid choking.

4.4. Way 4

With this 4th method, you need to follow these steps: Grind the medicine into a fine powder and then mix it with drinking water. Then put all the above solution into a syringe (with the needle removed) and then inject it directly into the cat's throat. This will make the cat uncomfortable, but the most effective of the 4 ways.

There are many ways to deworm kittens
There are many ways to deworm kittens

5. Where to buy dewormer for cats?

The places where you can buy dewormers for cats are:

Buy at a veterinary pharmacy: Veterinary drug stores, veterinary hospitals near your home are places where you can buy easily with good prices and quality products.

Buy Veterinary Medicine Online: Currently, there are many online veterinary drug stores with online sales websites, so you can order by phone number on the website easily.

So Meo_Wiii has instructed you how to effectively deworm your kittens. Hopefully through this article, you will be able to deworm your kitten easily. Always take good care of “Boss”!


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